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Brakes, Air & ABS (Anti-Lock Brake System)


In this category you will find quality FleetRun truck parts such as brake shoes (with NO CORES), brake chambers, brake valves, slack adjusters, air dryer assemblies and rebuild kits, brake camshaft repair kits etc. for your Volvo, Freightliner, Mack, Peterbilt, Kenworth, International and Western Star. If you need helping find parts or confirming fitment please use our website resources 24/7 or give us a call for dealer level support.


How do you know if your brake chamber is leaking? / How do I find a leak in my brake chamber?

Usually you will know its leaking because you can hear it, so in order to verify the leak, check for leaks in these 3 procedures:

  • Remember these procedures need to be done when the truck has more than 100 PSI, but best if they are done right after the truck purges, notifying you its at maximum pressure.
  1. Parking brake (yellow tractor air supply knob) set / pulled out, walk around the truck or trailer and listen for a *hissing* noise (soap and water in a spray bottle make identifying a lot easier)

  2. Parking brake (yellow tractor air supply knob) set / pushed in (MAKE SURE YOU CHOCK THE WHEELS TO PREVENT THE TRUCK FROM ROLLING), walk around the truck or trailer and listen for a *hissing* noise (soap and water in a spray bottle make identifying a lot easier)

  3. Parking brake (yellow tractor air supply knob) set / pushed in AND the brake pedal firmly pressed (this will require 2 people), walk around the truck or trailer and listen for a *hissing* noise (soap and water in a spray bottle make identifying a lot easier). The last test is very important because a brake chamber can leak in only the service position which would only be found when the brake pedal is pushed.

  • Another tip is watch out for leaks in valves such as the quick release valve (usually located on the middle of the frame cross member around the first drive axle), these can also be tied to leaking brake chambers, it may not necessarily be the valve that’s leaking.
  • Also be aware of broken brake chamber parking brake springs, just because there is not a leak present, does not mean the chamber is functioning properly. A broken spring can cause the parking brake to be ineffective and is also more dangerous to cage because the caging bolt may not be securely installed, calling for the entire chamber to be replaced along with the stud and clevis.

Can you rotate a brake chamber?

Yes you can, you just need to be sure it will not interfere with the air hoses that are connected to the brake chamber as well as the clevis position.

How to remove a brake chamber without caging?

If you are removing an entire brake chamber as an assembly, you do not need to cage the chamber.

The only time that it's necessary to cage a brake chamber is when you are separating the brake chamber by unscrewing the clamp that holds it together. That being said, if you are separating the chamber or if the clamp is sealed and needs to be cut, I highly recommend you just replace the entire brake chamber.

How to measure brake pads on a semi truck?

  • There should be an indicator notch in the caliper and in the carrier (the main rake housing) and once the 2 notches are lined up, that's a sign that you should replace the pads. The more reliable method is by removing the wheels.

  • Once the wheels are off there should be an indicator on the brake pad (every manufacturer is different), that shows the abrasive layer of the brake pad and the metal backing behind it. Once the abrasive layer is close to the metal backing you should replace the pads, to avoid damage to the rotor.

How do you unlock the brakes on a semi truck?

  • If you are mechanically inclined you can loosen the adjustment of the brakes with the slack adjuster and by pressing on the brake firmly 10-20 times while the air pressure is above the minimum, preferably at the maximum. Don’t forget to adjust the brakes to proper specifications afterwards.

  • If this is not an option or doesnt work successfully, you can also try tapping around the edge of the drum with a hammer, but be careful to not damage the drum with the hammer. Or you can do this simultaneously with the first method in extreme cases.

How to fix an air leak on a semi truck? / How do I find an air leak in my truck?

Check for air leaks with these 3 procedures:

  • Remember these procedures need to be done when the truck has more than 100 PSI, but best if they are done right after the truck purges, notifying you its at maximum pressure, also soap and water in a spray bottle make identifying a lot easier
  1. Parking brake (yellow tractor air supply knob) set / pulled out, walk around the truck or trailer and listen for a *hissing* noise

  2. Parking brake (yellow tractor air supply knob) set / pushed in (MAKE SURE YOU CHOCK THE WHEELS TO PREVENT THE TRUCK FROM ROLLING), walk around the truck or trailer and listen for a *hissing* noise

  3. Parking brake (yellow tractor air supply knob) set / pushed in AND the brake pedal firmly pressed (this will require 2 people), walk around the truck or trailer and listen for a *hissing* noise.

Can’t find it online?

We stock thousands of parts in our warehouses & many are still not online—call us, and we’ll track it down for you!