How to remove the speed sensor in Freightliner Cascadia?
Remove the electrical connector on output shaft in front of the yoke for the driveline that mates to the transmission Remove the bolt holding the sensor in place if you are replacing the sensor, this is not necessary to just disconnect the sensor
How to bleed a clutch on a Freightliner Cascadia?
Fill the clutch / brake fluid to the maximum level in the reservoir Locate the bleed fitting on the transmission, usually on the slave cylinder housing if its visible, attach a clear and air tight hose to fitting and submerge it in a container with enough clutch / brake fluid to cover the hose end Press the clutch pedal 10-15 times or until it gets firm while pressing (if there is air in the system it will not be firm, so just press the pedal 15 times) Press the pedal to the very end and hold Unscrew the bleed fitting and watch the air bubbles go through the hose and once they stop flowing tighten the fitting back up Release the clutch pedal and repeat steps 1-6 until there are no air bubbles in the fluid from the bleed fitting
How often do you have to Regen a Freightliner?
Generally if you're a long haul truck driver, roughly about every 4-7 days is a sign of a healthy exhaust aftertreatment system. Local truck drivers should generally need a regen about every 7 days or more possibly. Again this also depends on how often your truck or if it does at all do highway regens.